Decaffeinated Swiss Water Beans

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Decaffeinated Swiss Water Beans

SKU CB1006 Category

Decaffeinated Swiss Water Beans are made from 100% Arabica coffee, crafted from a blend of dark and medium roasted Colombian beans. Using the gentle Swiss Water Process, this decaffeinated coffee retains its rich, full-bodied flavour while being free of caffeine. It features a smooth, low-acidity profile with indulgent notes of fig and biscuit, creating a truly satisfying and flavourful experience.

Perfect for any time of day, this coffee offers all the enjoyment of a luxurious cup without the caffeine. Sold in a case of 6 x 1 kg bags, it is ideal for cafes, offices, or home coffee lovers who want a high-quality decaf option without compromise.

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SKU CB1006 Category