Delizia Porcelite Torino Cups & Saucers

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Delizia Porcelite Torino Cups & Saucers

SKU N/A Category

These Single Wall Plain White Hot Drink Cups are the perfect solution for the coffee-to-go market. Designed specifically for serving hot beverages like coffee, tea, and hot chocolate, these cups offer a sleek, minimalist design that complements any café, coffee shop, or event setting.

Crafted from durable, food-grade paperboard, these cups provide excellent heat retention. For added comfort.

Each case includes 1000 cups in a 20 x 50 configuration, offering a cost-effective and convenient option for high-traffic environments.

Reliable, stylish, and practical—these plain white cups are ideal for any coffee-to-go service!

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SKU N/A Category