1883 Ruby Chocolate Syrup 1 Litre
Category Syrup
Embrace the irresistible allure of the 1883 Ruby Chocolate Syrup, succumbing to its dreamy-sweet temptation. Delight in the indulgence reminiscent of a cacao dessert, as its profound aroma captivates your palate with fruity nuances and delicate hints of vanilla. Its mysteries are unveiled in the velvety purple-pink hue that envelops you in a luxurious embrace of exquisite flavour.
The 1883 Ruby Chocolate Syrup unveils a delicate equilibrium between the smoothness of chocolate and the distinctive raspberry and vanilla undertones inherent to the enchanting Ruby cacao beans.
Experiment with this flavour in milkshakes, coffee, chocolate, and cocktails. Additionally, it serves as a versatile ingredient for enhancing desserts and creams.