1883 Maple Syrup 1 Litre
Indulge in the unmistakable flavour of the 1883 Maple Syrup, boasting a unique and bold taste profile. Delve into its intense yet subtly sweet aroma, characterised by the essence of maple with delicate caramel undertones. Crafted meticulously from select ingredients, including natural cane sugar and pure Alpine water, each batch of the 1883 Maple Syrup promises unparalleled quality and taste. Immerse yourself in the richness of this syrup, elevating your culinary creations to new heights.
Experience the rich and aromatic profile of our syrup, characterised by its intense yet semi-sweet aroma, nuanced with subtle hints of maple flavour and caramel notes.
Experiment with this flavour in milkshakes, coffee, chocolate, and cocktails. Additionally, it serves as a versatile ingredient for enhancing desserts and creams.