1883 Gingerbread Syrup 1 Litre
Evoking the essence of a cherished baked treat, the 1883 Gingerbread Syrup captures the nostalgic aromas and irresistible taste of the beloved classic recipe, accentuated by delicate hints of cinnamon and ginger. Crafted with precision from a thoughtfully chosen blend of ingredients, including natural cane sugar and pure Alpine water, each drop of 1883 Gingerbread Syrup promises unparalleled quality and flavour. Immerse yourself in the comforting warmth and richness of this syrup, adding a touch of nostalgia to your culinary creations.
Experience the enchanting aromas and irresistible flavour reminiscent of classic gingerbread, subtly elevated with hints of cinnamon and ginger.
Experiment with this flavour in milkshakes, coffee, chocolate, and cocktails. Additionally, it serves as a versatile ingredient for enhancing desserts and creams.