1883 Chai Tea Syrup 1 Litre
Category Syrup
Immerse yourself in the captivating aroma of chai spices with the 1883 Chai Tea Syrup, embodying the essence of authenticity and exotic flavour. Delight in the intricate blend of black tea, ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, and cloves, meticulously captured within every drop. Crafted from a selection of premium ingredients, including natural cane sugar and the exclusive element, pure Alpine water, the 1883 Chai Tea Syrup promises unparalleled quality and taste. Experience the indulgence of genuine chai spices, meticulously crafted for your enjoyment.
Experiment with this flavour in milkshakes, coffee, chocolate, and cocktails. Additionally, it serves as a versatile ingredient for enhancing desserts and creams.