Arctic Revolution 75B
Over 70 Years Experience
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1200 sites across the UK
Providing Coffee, tea, syrups and a whole range of other products
wide range of coffee/water and snack machines
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The Arctic Revolution is a Direct Chill Tabletop Cooler dispensing ambient & chilled water.
It has a modern tabletop design and can be fitted with KLARAN UVC LED self-sanitizing processor and a contactless kit to stop hand to tap contamination. It has the capacity to dispense 10L an hour.
- Height: 240 mm
- Width: 488 mm
- Depth: 373 mm
- Weight: 14 kg
- Dispensing height of 23cm.
- Narrow footprint for small worktop spaces and low height to fit under overhanging kitchen cupboard.
- Flood Guard inlet solenoid protects against large scale flooding.
- Hygiene Guard reduces the risk of contamination of the dispensing nozzle.