Arctic Chill 108 Table Top Water Cooler

Over 70 Years Experience

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Introducing the ArcticChill 108, an upgraded version of the popular ArcticChill 88. The standout feature of this new model is its enhanced upper front panel, providing a taller dispensing height of 29cm, perfect for easily filling bottles. Designed for dispensing cold water only, this cooler delivers an impressive 30 to 40 litres per hour of chilled water, maintaining temperatures below 12˚C. Additionally, it comes equipped with FloodGuard inlet solenoid technology, safeguarding the cooler against potential flooding incidents. With its sleek and stylish design in Anthracite livery, the ArcticChill 108 combines functionality with aesthetics, making it an ideal choice for any environment.



  • Width: 340 mm
  • Height: 445 mm
  • Depth: 340 mm
  • Weight: 16 Kg


  • 29cm dispensing height
  • Single dispensing button for chilled water
  • Flood guard inlet solenoid protects the cooler against large-scale flooding.
  • Delivers 30 – 40 Ltr per Hour
    Of Chilled Water, Below 12C. 
    Shield protects Direct Chill
    Water Coolers from
    Bacteria, Viruses & other
    Pathogens providing point
    of dispense protection.
    Factory Fitted or Self
    Installed options